[rule style=”rule-dotted” ]Hi everyone!
It’s Kyle here coming at you with an English lesson you can probably use today.
The topic today is 知覚動詞 (五感:聴覚・視覚・嗅覚・味覚・触覚を表す動詞) or Sense Verbs.
These are some of the most basic verbs and therefore the easiest verbs to use incorrectly.
Don’t fear!
Hear 聞こえる
Feel 感じる
See 見る
Watch 観る
There are 3 patterns I want to use and for that I will use the verb “hear” in a different form. 今回、名詞句や名詞節は [ ] で囲んであります。
So let’s review the three patterns.
1. I heard [her call her boss. ] (私は、)彼女がボスを呼んだのを聞いた。
[wp-svg-icons icon=”info” wrap=”i”] I heard [she called her boss.] と言うと、実際に呼んでいるのを聞いたのではなく、”呼んだ”という事実を別の誰かから聞いたという意味になります。最初の文章は、自分自身が彼女がボスを呼んだのを聞いています。2. I heard [her calling her boss. ] 彼女がボスを呼んでいるのを聞いた。
[wp-svg-icons icon=”info” wrap=”i”] I heard [she was calling her boss. ] これも同じく、彼女がボスを呼んでいたということを誰かから聞いたという意味です。3. I heard [her name called.] 彼女の名前が呼ばれたのを聞いた。
[wp-svg-icons icon=”info” wrap=”i”] I heard [her name was called.] こちらも、彼女の名前が呼ばれたって聞いたよ。という意味になりますね!The first two are active sentences and the last sentence is a passive sentence.
If you remember these three patterns, you shouldn’t make any mistakes when talking about what you experience.
Also, I want to teach you the difference between “see” and “watch”. See is used for stationary (non Moving) objects while watch is used for moving people, events, etc. When you say watch something, it sounds like you are looking at something moving over a period of time. 物や人を見た、見かけたときは “Saw”、映画やパフォーマンスなどをじっくりみることは”Watch”を使います!
A common misuse of this is “I watched Brandon on the bus yesterday”. This means you were staring at him the whole time he was on the bus or at least for a long time(昨日、ブランドンをバスで見つめていた。). ちょっと怖いですね!What you mean is “I saw Brandon on the bus yesterday”(昨日バスでブランドンを見た(見かけた。)).
よく聞く間違いなので、気を付けましょう!ではまた次回、See you again!
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