What brought you to Prince Edward Island?
一番のきっかけは中学生の時から15年 文通をしている カナダ人のペンパルです。
Mostly my Canadian penpal for 15 yrs!
Whan I visited her 5yrs ago,all tourist spots and sovenir shops were closed as it was winter.I wanted to visit there again in summer as she told me “summer is SO beautiful”.
How long did you stay there?What did you do?
I stayed there for 5months(the end of May-Oct),observing Japanese-speaking tour guide.
Do you have any recommendation to visit in Price Edward Island?(ex.restaurant)
Tourist attraction;Green Gables from the book “Anne of Green Gables”,Confederation center known for the birth place of Canada.
レストラン;ドライバーの奥さんが働いているウォータープリンスコーナーショップ。 ロブスターやシーフードチャウダーなどが絶品でした。
Restaurant: Water Prince Corner shop,where a coworker’s wife worked.It boasts great lobster and seafood chawder!
Others; I often ran in Victoria Park along the beautiful sea shore.
Do you have some pieces of advice to those who want to visit there?
バンクーバーと違って田舎なので、公共交通機関はほとんどありません。車の運転に自信のない方は ツアーに参加される事をお勧めします。
私の働いていた会社のHPです 日本人のマネージャーがいますので、日本語で問合せできます。(島で一番最初に日本語ツアーを始めた会社です。)綺麗な自然に癒されてきてください♪
PEI is a country side different from Vancouver,having poor public transportation,unfortunately. Tour is a good option if you’re not confident with driving.
Below is the HP of my tour company. I hope you will enjoy the beautiful nature there.
“Prince Edward Tours”
◆ ワーキングホリデー・留学をお考えの方の為の無料留学エージェントJpcanada留学センター